Angel Eyes - Nathalie Gleitman
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Angel Eyes

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by Nathalie
Step by step recipe - 15 Min
December 5, 2022

Serves 12 cookies
Cooks in 15 Minutes
Difficulty Easy


85g nut butter of your choice
65g maple syrup
12g cocoa powder or carob (in case you have histamineintolerance)
70g oat flour (glutenfree if needed)
25g almond flour
1tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
pinch of vanilla
For the jam filling:
100g frozen berries of your choice
1tbsp chia seeds
Dash of maple syrup


Preheat the oven to 180°C and line a baking tray with baking paper. Place all the ingredients for the cookies into a bowl and mix well. Form 12 balls and press in with your thumb to leave a little dent, which is where we will fill in the jam later. Place the angel eyes on the lined baking tray and bake for 10min.

In the meantime, prepare the jam. Place all the needed ingredients into a small pan and cook until the berries are soft. Smash them with a spoon and mix well.

Let the cookies cool off and fill each dent with jam. Store in an airtight container.


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